API Documentation

This is an official API documentation for the scons-tool-util python package.


For specific documentation, please skip to the next sections.

The sconstool.util is an implicit namespaced package (see PEP 420) within sconstool namespace. Because of this, there is no lib/sconstool/__init__.py.


This section documents classes provided by scons-tool-util package. The summary below provides links to a full documentation for each class.

ToolFinder(tool, **kw) Callable object which searches for executables.
ConditionalEmitter(predicate[, emitter_if, …]) A callable object, which calls user-provided emitter when a predefined condition is meet.
Selector A replacement for SCons.Util.Selector class.
Replacements Enables one to temporarily replace variables in a dict-like object (SCons Environment).
ReplacingCaller(wrapped[, replacements]) Base class for ReplacingBuilder, ReplacingAction and other similar wrappers.
ReplacingBuilder(wrapped[, replacements]) SCons builder wrapper, calls the wrapped builder with replaced construction variables.
ReplacingAction(wrapped[, replacements]) SCons action wrapper, replaces construction variables and calls the wrapped action.


This section documents functions provided by scons-tool-util package. The summary below provides links to a full documentation for each function.

add_ro_dict_property(cls, dictattr, attr[, …]) Add to class cls a read-only property returning a predefined entry from a dict.
ensure_kwarg_in(caller, key, allowed) Checks a single key from keyword arguments against allowed keys.
ensure_kwarg_not_in(caller, key, forbidden) Checks a single key from keyword arguments against forbidden keys.
check_kwarg(caller, key[, allowed, forbidden]) Checks a single key from keyword arguments against allowed and forbidden keys.
check_kwargs(caller, kw[, allowed, forbidden]) Checks all keys from keyword arguments kw against allowed and forbidden keys.
import_all_from(target, modules[, …]) Imports symbols from multiple modules.